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Monday, May 21, 2012

Episode 86: Google Pocket, Community, and the Erosion of a Friendship

Brad opens this week on a sour note, with a brief mention of his down-in-the-dumpsness. A halfhearted endorsement for the upcoming SkyPunch show, then a discussion of this week's Web Coulier (listed below). Speaking of the Web, Chuck teaches Brad how to use the new Google Pocket program (formerly Read It Later). After that, Chuck's TV Driplet becomes a TV Drop as the boys spend quite a while discussing Dan Harmon's departure from Community.

B & C then discuss their summer DVD queue, including a documentary Brad had forgotten about until recently. The conversation then becomes heart-wrenchingly serious as Chuck details the slow erosion and potential dissolution of his ten-year friendship with Sousa.

Web Couliers:
- ARTICLE: Pro Wrestling For Auteurs

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