We are joined this week by Super Retro Throwback Reviews host Steven Christina, Jr. Things go hilariously off the rails right off the bat and I lose it twice in the first ten minutes. (By "lose it," I mean laugh uncontrollably, not yell at Chuck again.) Chuck tells us about the biopsy on his nose from a few weeks ago - does he have nose cancer? Will he need a Tycho Brahe-like prosthetic? Will anyone get this Tycho Brahe reference? Anyway, Chuck talks about editing the Tell 'Em Steve-Dave Christmas podcast and we discuss positivity and negativity online. We talk about our experience at the Warren tree lighting, then Chuck tells us about his trip to Red Bank to see the Brian Setzer Orchestra. Chuck provides us with a very brief review of the newest Grinch movie. We close with a brief discussion about whether the motivation for giving to charity should impact the giving itself.
- Brad