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Friday, April 11, 2014

Episode 154: The Story of Dan Martin

Another big interview episode! This week the guyzos (part guy, part bozo) meet with local guyzo Dan Martin. After some quick updates concerning projects the three scoundrels are working on, Chuck offers a few movie driplets. News about the Sinister Six movie, the new Truman Show, uh, show, and some shifts in the world of late night television. Chuck then talks about the death of beloved comics character Archie and the exhumation (possibly) of a landfill's worth of ET cartridges. Our three compatriots then chat about the brand new movie "Captain America: The Winter Soldier", and what they thought of it.
The interview itself then begins with Dan's childhood. Hear his unflinching take (well, Brad flinched through most of it) on how his upbringing affected his sense of humor and comedy. What were the pivotal moments that led to him taking on stand-up as an art form, and why does he enjoy it so much? What did Mick Foley tell him about titties? It's a refreshingly clear look at Dan's devotion to art and comedy.

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