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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Episode 13 Part 2: The Cuchini, Guitar Hero's Hostile Take-Over, Why Casual Movie-Goers Suck, and Brad Gets Gross

Patrick Dennis, Abe Correia and Dan Jennings are still sitting in with Chuck and Brad on the show. The men discuss innappropriate female dress in family-oriented films/television, and a new product that combats this phenomenon. They also talk about new Guitar Hero games (Van Halen, Guitar Hero 5, DJ Hero, and Band Hero), "The King Of Kong", and rail against the casual gamer/casual movie-goer. Also introduced is Chuck's new segment - "What's The Deal?" and confronts little Abram about his anti-"Borat" sentiments. Finally, you hear the most disgusting story Brad has ever told.

Song List Here (this link is only functional on podcast website)

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