After the Senior Discount/Sky Punch and Chuck/Brad updates, Brad and Chuck talk about The Providence Improv Fest and the Senior Discount/Stealing Jane show (respectively) and their slight criticisms of specific parties involved in both. Chuck tells the story of why the new S*D shirts are not in yet, and the boys answer some podcast emails. They also discuss the recent deaths of Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, and of course Michael Jackson - and the surprising fact that he was $400,000,000 in-debt when he died. They also discuss the idea of legacies and how one (or two) big mistakes can ruin a person, regardless of how much great art they've brought the world (Michael Richards is also discussed here). They talk about the graphic novel "Lost Girls", and the sentencing of Chris Brown (for beating Rihanna), Michael Vick, and Dante Stalworth. The end by discussing some stories where Chuck had made Brad feel uncomfortable, the new product Kush Support, and Sex Decoy.
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