We welcome Gina into the studio for episode 259. After some Chuck and Brad updates, we briefly talk about the Web Coulier listed below. From there, Chuck provides movie driplets about the new Hannibal Burress documentary, as well as Mick Foley's upcoming show on the WWE Network. After that, we learn about the resurgence in popularity of the Simon & Garfunkel song "The Sound of Silence" due to its use in a meme.
The guys talk about an upcoming zombie video game, then Chuck surprises me by asking Gina to read an old email I wrote to a bunch of friends. And yes, I assume they are making fun of me (and react like it), but come around when I realize we're all in on the joke. (Proof that I am capable of admitting when I'm wrong!) Chuck then has Gina read a list of strange/wonderful things he has said before digging into his own archives to provide more ridiculousness for a new and yet unnamed segment, revolving around old quotes and things we've written in the past.
I talk about some recent improv shows, then we offer a quick spoiler-free review of the new first-person action movie Hardcore Henry. We close by reviewing our most recent (and third ever) stand-up show at the Comedy Connection.
ALSO! Jurassic Lark? Chistory + History? New Segment Stuff:
"Chuck and Lou's Ex", Two of Chuck's Idiotic 'Conflict Resolution' Papers from College, The "Weekly Tom Wells Poll", and "Love = Silent Scope Complete"!
Web Couliers:
TRAILER: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
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