First up we have a newly-recorded intro for this week's episode. We plug some upcoming shows and Chuck plugs his Tell 'Em Steve-Dave project. The rest of the episode - so I was pretty tired when we recorded this, and more than a little stressed with work stuff, and it was late, and other excuses. We start out (actually continuing episode 329) and talk about Reddit and somehow that leads to me snapping at Chuck and being way more petulant than usual. I'm not proud of it, but we didn't edit it out. Once my calmer head prevails (and we talk through our issues like adults), we finish up the Reddit discussion. We then talk about the past of our guest Peter Maldonado and joke about his rage issues from college and beyond. From there, Chuck and Lou discuss what it's like working alongside their fathers and how that is shaping their work experiences.
- Brad
VIDEO: Chuck's "Tell 'Em Steve-Dave" Call To Action
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