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Thursday, October 10, 2019

#435 - Haunt, Haunters, Hate Mail, and the Joker

We are joined this week by Ayden the Intern! That's right, someone let us have an intern despite the fact that our previous intern's body hasn't been seen since he left our employ! We kick things off talking about how great is and thank them for the decorations they sent us! We talk about some hateful mail that came into the podcast email account. Following that, we discuss the movie Haunt, and Ayden reveals a shameful secret about his relationship! We talk about our annual jack-o-lantern carving day, then Chuck tells me about the documentary Haunters. We then offer a spoiler-free discussion of Joker, then, after making it very clear when the spoilers start, we dive deep into the movie. Chuck and I disagree and Chuck wins Ayden to his side. NOT COOL, AYDEN THE INTERN!!!!!
- Brad

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