Chuck and Brad kick off episode 144 with talk about their new diets and the progress so far - not just physically, but in terms of how eating light impacts their masculinity and self-worth. After some quick Senior Discount updates, Chuck offers a few movie driplets - a Naked Gun reboot, a new TV show from two comedians we love, Jurassic World casting news, Clerks 3 casting news, and hints about the new show Gotham.
From there, Chuck and Braddo talk about the character Quicksilver, and his upcoming appearance in two very separate movies owned by Fox and by Disney (the second "Avengers" movie and the fifth "X-Men" outing). Our two protagonists are baffled as to how this can be. Chuck then relates the tale of Tenacious D's "Festival Supreme" from this past autumn - Chuck and Brad are "wicked jealous" they didn't get to attend. The WWE Network is then discussed and dissected - how do Brad and Chuck feel? Finally, the boyz lament the Wii U and its negative sales forecast. Will Nintendo go the way of Sega to focus on software?
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