After Brad fouls up yet another intro, the guys promote some upcoming projects. Chuck gives a brief update about the condition of his belongings following last November's house fire, then talks about his new favorite wing from our pals at Boneheads! The guys went to see an independent wrestling show - which WWE Hall of Famer was there, and did he stink anyone's face? The guys re-review Man of Steel before talking about the lineup for this year's Warped Tour. Pretty exciting!
Chuck talks about the VR headset that came with his new phone and the guys talk about the merits of virtual reality for a while. Brad doesn't think it's socially acceptable to wear a VR headset on a plane, but does think it's socially acceptable to wear a sleep mask...or something like that. Chuck talks about this season of The Real World and VH1's new show Family Therapy.
Chuck and Brad then discuss the lawsuit between Hulk Hogan and Gawker Media, and try and define what makes something newsworthy. It goes exactly as well as you'd expect.
Web Couliers:
TEASER: "All That" Reunion Special
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