Brad manages to spit out the greeting without fouling it up this week and Chuck and Brad immediately discuss it. From there it's some Chuck and Brad updates before getting to the below Web Couliers. There is a tangent here. Maybe a tangent off of another tangent. Chuck provides some movie driplets about an R-rated cut for Batman v Superman as well as a sequel to "Surf's Up." Insanity. They discuss the recent accident involving Google's self-driving car before getting into some recaps of the past few weeks.
Chuck provides an update on the status of his house and possessions as recovery from the house fire continues, and Brad brings a little Christmas spirit into Chuck's life via a gift. The guys talk about their trip to DNB Burgers in New Bedford, Massachusetts, before recapping the open mic they performed at in February. Chuck recaps the recent Senior Discount show in Providence, then the guys review the new movie Triple 9. Was it an amazing cop drama? From there it's a brief discussion about moving friends Abe and Fawn into a new apartment, then a recap of Monday Night Raw and a review of new movie The Revenant? Okay...was THAT an amazing cop drama? They tease next week's episode before riding off into the sunset. Oh, and Chuck also has "donut burg" in his notes which both references a topic from the podcast AND the town he's elected himself mayor of.
- Brad
Web Couliers:
PODCAST: Marc Maron interviews Sacha Baron Cohen
VIDEO: Star-Kart
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