This episode finds Eric Maksood in the studio with us. We talk about the past few weeks of our lives. But first, a fun conversation about Finding Dory being shown with Finding Nemo, then we (unintentionally?) taunt Maksood by talking about the Playstation 4-exclusive Uncharted 4 and how great it is. We review a Norm MacDonald stand-up show, then talk about a new favorite eatery in Providence. We discuss Ferris Bueller and which character is Chuck and which is Brad. We talk about the new NOFX book, then take a deep breath and dive into a thorough discussion of the recent iteration of "The Jungle Book." Maksood brings a lot of knowledge to the table, which is good. He also brings his Christopher Walken impression...less good. Chuck talks about his trip to see Tell 'Em Steve-Dave in Brooklyn, then he and I discuss our stand-up sets from a few weeks ago. We talk about going to see Adam Sandler live and what a crazy set it was. We talk about our Memorial Day activities, then thoroughly discuss the recent CD release show from Maksood's (other) band, Soundoff. A fun episode!
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ACTION FIGURES: Comic-Con Exclusive TMNT Figures
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