After the normal social media plugs, we talk about the below Web Couliers. After that, we talk at length about Disney's new streaming service (that starts in 2019) and try to figure out how we are going to consume visual media in the future. After that, Chuck reads selections of a review of Senior Discount's new album. I have no skin in this game; if someone doesn't like the music, that's a valid opinion. That having been said, this is a dumb review and we spend some time marveling at the dumbness of it. Once we get that bile out of our systems, we talk about some Chuck birthday celebrations, then our trip to see Rancid and the Dropkick Murphys in concert. Chuck tells me the story of his kayaking misadventure and I am suitably impressed. We talk about seeing the Lion King in theaters, and close with compliments for Chuck's birthday dinner at Cook and Dagger!
- Brad
TRAILER: American Vandal
VIDEO: Subway Royal Rumble
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