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Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Episode 198.5: Micro-Cast - Spider-Man Joins the Marvel Universe!

WOW! The first ever "micro-cast" of the Chuck and Brad Podcast! With a Senior Discount show canceled, the boys take advantage of the free night to record their thoughts on Spider-Man being enfolded into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The microcast starts with Chuck, Brad, and Maksood calling Patrick to talk about the upcoming 200th episode of the podcast, and the contest between Patrick and Maksood. After that, Maksood teaches Brad about Tinder and Chuck reveals the message that "Maksood" sent to a woman online - gross, Maksood.
After that? All Spider-Man, all the time. Let's hear the news and the opinions!

Web Couliers:
PICTURE: Maksood's Tinder Pick-Up Line

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