Whoa! Episode 216 is here! Chuck and Brad dive right into their upcoming shows - including the announcement of Senior Discount's Anniversary Show/Blink 182 set! Listen in for details! The boys bring some sweet Web Couliers to the table: "This is Not a Band" and their a capella punk medleys, Lexus' announcement of their hoverboard, and the Consuelo's Revenge album! Chuck also brings a story of RI band drama and the boys discuss the right way to deal with confrontation.
Movie news then includes: the final chapter in the Paranormal Activity series being announced, a new "Halloween" film (and a discussion of Halloween canon), and Will Ferrell and Kristen Wiig's "A Deadly Adoption".
Chuck then discusses his show with Anti-Flag last week, and Brad talks about his dislike for the in-crowd violence. Is Chuck accosted because of his cousin Patrick's raging libido? Find out by listening in! The boys end the traditional topics with a re-visit to "Jurassic World" to discuss all the records broken by the film, and how proud the guys are of how much they like it. Wow! These guys can find any reason to pat themselves on the back!
The podcast ends with a re-telling of Chuck and Brad's recent experience hosting a Gamestop Midnight Release for Batman: Arkham Knight. Did they crash and burn because a DJ was booked to play at the same time immediately to their left? Yes. Yes they did. Hear Chuck and Brad explain what happened, talk about their plan, bring a sexy story to light, and play back some of their recorded episode from the Gamestop debacle.
- Chuck
Web Couliers:
KICKSTARTER: "This is Not a Band" A Capella Punk Rock
VIDEO: Lexus' Hoverboard
MUSIC: Consuelo's Revenge - Consuelo's Revenge