Chuck and Brad are joined by Halloween "experts" Nic Hallenbeck and Brian Decoteaux for a spooky talk about the spookiest season of the year! After some chatter about upcoming events and the below Web Coulier, the guys break into topic number one - the animated special known as "Halloween Is Grinch Night." Is it good? How does it fit into the extended Grinch-verse? Hear the unbiased, uncensored review!
The second topic is brainstorming - costume ideas and treat ideas. And while Brad doesn't have many ideas, rest assured they are better than any of the ideas Chuck solicited from friend of the podcast Eric Maksood.
Chuck then offers his Ultimate-As-Of-Now Halloween Playlist. A ton of songs from a ton of bands! The guys discuss the appropriateness of the songs mentioned and offer suggestions of their own. Listen soon and get in the Halloween "spirit!" (Even that is better than Maksood's jokes.)
Web Couliers:
PHOTOS: Chuck's Halloween Costume
VIDEO: Introduction to Digital Dudz
VIDEO: Halloween Is Grinch Night (Full)
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