The 209th episode of the podcast finds Chuck and Brad joined by the incorrigible Abe Correia and the intolerable Eric Maksood. After some Brad and Senior Discount Updates, the guys discuss the below Web Couliers in great detail. Once that is done, they discuss the recent announcement of Fast & Furious 8, as well as Aziz Ansari's new deal with Netflix to produce an original comedy.
They talk about a new animated Spider-Man movie and debate whose origin story is more widely-known: Spider-Man or Superman? There's some talk about a TV movie about Grand Theft Auto and the controversy that has surrounded the games, as well as the plans for Brad, Chuck, and Maksood to see the Fat Wrecked tour. Chuck promotes the Chris Jericho-starring web series Nothing To Report, then the guys ponder furniture with induction chargers built in. There's some back-and-forth about Matt Skiba permanently (?) joining blink-182, as well as a long conversation about Green Day being inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.
Finally, the four amigos talk about filming the most recent Senior Discount video. Maksood gives his account of going from fan to actor, and Abe talks about going from bit player to actual character. Chuck laughs at his own jokes.
Web Couliers:
VIDEO: Tim Armstrong and Green Day
VIDEO: Hawkeye sings about his powers
VIDEO: Just Cause 3 Gameplay Trailer
VIDEO: Stan Lee's Cameo School