We are joined this week by esteemed chef and disesteemed human Lou Perella. After some quick Chuck and Brad updates, Lou presents a treasure trove of things he's found while cleaning out his old basement - tons of old WWF Magazines! Chuck then gives us all some movie driplets about the Wet Hot American Summer sequel, The Punisher series, Chuck Palahniuk's Snuff as a TV series, and a Puppet Master reboot. We also talk about Space Jam 2 starring Lebron James, as well as Jon Favreau directing another Marvel movie, and Seth McFarlane's next TV project.
Chuck then brings up the Civil War II storyline starting in Marvel comics and talks about some other Civil War stuff. We talk about the proper pronoun for a baby, a recent NoFX show, our trip to see Dana Carvey, and the recent WWE Payback show. Chuck then tells me and Lou all about the documentary Being Evel and how interesting the life of Evel Knievel was. Then the provider of this week's "Jurassic Snark" is none other than ol' Lou!
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