Just Chuck and Brad this week! We talk about The Incredibles 2 and our feelings about other Disney/Pixar movies, then I try and explain my feelings about the decidedly-NON-Disney film "Hereditary." Pretty spooky! From there, we talk a little bit about health concerns before Chuck relates the tale of his terrible trip to the eye doctor (and we discuss the merits of giving fake names to people on the podcast). Chuck tells me about a fancy meal he had this weekend (I didn't mention my frozen pizza dinner, but rest assured that's what I had). He tells me about a trip to the Mystic Aquarium and the restaurant "The Engine Room" in Mystic. From there, we talk about the movie Titanic, and how Chuck felt about it after his most recent re-watch of the film. Oh, and I tell an old embarrassing story about visiting a crush at work. I'm so ashamed.
Closing the show this week is fellow Paper and Plastick artist Blow Fuse with their song Angry John!
- Brad