Chuck and Brad are joined for this episode by local flame-headed caveman Brian Decoteaux. After some updates about Brad and Chuck, the three talk up next week's Live Podcast - for more information, please see the below Web Coulier. Chuck talks about his weekend, and this leads to an in-depth, revealing conversation about how Chuck feels he is perceived outside of his immediate social circle. He feels as though he is viewed as a villain and wonders why that is.
After that exercise in self-reflection, Brian and Chuck talk about the newly-released Godzilla movie. This review is actually spoiler-free! Finally, the three talk about their recent trip to see The Book of Mormon in Providence. This leads to a discussion about religion, motivation, and the ethical development of society as a whole. Typical Chuck and Brad Podcast stuff.
Web Couliers:
EVENT: Our Upcoming Live Podcast/Pilot Premiere