We're joined by Nic Hallenbeck and Brian Decoteaux for our annual Halloween episode! Chuck and I talk about the spooky things we've done this month to stay festive. We discuss Stranger Things, the documentary Tales of Rocky Point Park, and Hocus Pocus. We go through Chuck's favorite annual tradition - Rejected Halloween Costumes! It's a blast. Chuck updates us on the Grinchverse, and also adds a few songs to his Halloween playlist. Chuck and I recap and review Pet Sematary 2 (terrible!) Finally, Gina Mastrostefano joins the podcast to present a game - Chuck and I play this game, with the loser having to endure the most brutal punishment imaginable - doing a book report on the "biography" of WWE "superstar" Kane! (the biography is NOT about the real wrestler who plays the character, it's ACTUALLY about the fictional character - this book is so bad)
~ Brad
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