As we give our social media plugs this week (@bradrohrer or @DiscountChuck), we get onto the subject of how we use social media. Is it necessary for your insta posts to have lasting value? Do all your tweets have to be funny? We talk about it and try to figure out why we feel the way we do. We spend some time alluding to a major project we're working on, but leave it intentionally vague. After that, we talk about a listener email we received, then the below Web Coulier. We discuss the upcoming season of Nathan For You, then some trailers shown at Comic-Con, including Ready Player One and Thor: Ragnarok. Chuck talks about his weekend, and I talk about my family coming to visit and all the stuff we got to do over the weekend. It was exhausting. But good. But also exhausting.
- Brad
TRAILER: Turn It Around: The Story of East Bay Punk